11 Books to Rewire Your Online Business Instincts
For whatever reason, most people who read these books will feel enlightened, be filled with plans for future success, come up with tons of ideas to make money online and never do anything about it.
There innumerable ways to make money online regardless of your individual talents and niche knowledge, and these books will explain how, but the most important step is not what email provider you use, how much time you spend on SEO or even who your target audience us but just sitting in front of a computer and doing the work.
[easyazon_link identifier=”0997082305″ locale=”US” tag=”valueinvesand-20″]Will it Fly[/easyazon_link]
This site is modeled on Pat Flynn’s, so his most recent book must be included in the list. Flynn teaches entrepreneurs how to not only come up with successful product idea for their business but test it to make sure they won’t be wasting hours and dollars on a dud.
[easyazon_link identifier=”B00C2CH3MM” locale=”US” tag=”valueinvesand-20″]How to Start a Successful Blog in One Hour[/easyazon_link], [easyazon_link identifier=”B00ARHQZDM” locale=”US” tag=”valueinvesand-20″]Your first $1,000[/easyazon_link], [easyazon_link identifier=”B00D0YUCUQ” locale=”US” tag=”valueinvesand-20″]Email Marketing Blueprint[/easyazon_link] and [easyazon_link identifier=”B008ETF9JQ” locale=”US” tag=”valueinvesand-20″]Authority Affiliate Marketing[/easyazon_link]
This list is mostly going to be a Mike’s internet-business-role-models books. The first is Steve Scott. Scott has built two simultaneous eBook based empires. One with habit books and one with online business books, mostly on how to sell eBooks. These are my favorite online business ones by him.
[easyazon_link identifier=”153006905X” locale=”US” tag=”valueinvesand-20″]The Side Hustle Path Vol 1,[/easyazon_link] [easyazon_link identifier=”1530516382″ locale=”US” tag=”valueinvesand-20″]Vol 2[/easyazon_link], [easyazon_link identifier=”B010BUG9LW” locale=”US” tag=”valueinvesand-20″]Vol 3[/easyazon_link] & [easyazon_link identifier=”B018YN02UC” locale=”US” tag=”valueinvesand-20″]Vol 4[/easyazon_link]
The next is Nick Loper. Loper’s site, Side Hustle Nation is more about ways to add income on the side of your normal day job. He details the side hustles he experiments with on his site and has interviewed experts at many more on his podcast as well. These four volumes introduce readers to the most successful ideas.
[easyazon_link identifier=”B00Q07OBBG” locale=”US” tag=”valueinvesand-20″]The Fire Path[/easyazon_link] & [easyazon_link identifier=”1508418594″ locale=”US” tag=”valueinvesand-20″]Podcast Launch[/easyazon_link]
John Lee Dumas and his wife Kate Ericson run one of the best online business resource sites, with monthly income often in excess of $1mm. In The Fire Path, Kate tells the story of how they started their business and draws the map for you to follow. Podcast Launch is self-explanatory.
Bonus: The Altucher Report
James Altucher is one of the leading entrepreneurship and self-improvement authorities. His monthly newsletter introduces passive income opportunities, interviews with leading entrepreneurs and analysis of the most important technological trends. Plus (!) if you do a lifetime subscription you get a bunch of monthly book recommendations.